Zorana Todorović

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This paper addresses the issue of the legal status of non-human animals and the possibility of changing it from the status of things or property, to the status of non-things, or better, sentient beings. Key arguments for the change of their status are discussed, including the argument from marginal cases, and the scientific evidence indicating that many animals are sentient beings. Two ways of initiating such changes seem most promising: legislation, i.e. the modification of civil codes, and litigation, i.e. filing lawsuits on behalf of individual animals. It is argued that legislative changes are necessary for moving animals out of the legal category of things and into the category of sentient beings that can bear rights. On the other hand, litigation could bring about a more radical change of the legal status of some animals.


Animals, legal status, sentient beings, things, rights.

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Print ISSN: 0353-7919
Online ISSN: 1820-7804