Marina Kovačević Lepojević, Boro Merdović, Dragan Živaljević

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School-based programs focused on externalizing problems in students are recognized as an important part of school life and work. The aim of this paper is the systematization of scientific studies in the form of systematic presentations and meta-analysis of school programs, in which externalising problems in students is among the criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the program. Scientific results published in English in the last seven years are included in the systematization. Bases searched during research are: Google Scholar, PsycINFO, Web of Science (WOS), Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) and Scopus. The results of the research indicate that the most successful school-based interventions resulting in the prevention and reduction of externalizing problems are based on socio-emotional learning, that they are mostly implemented by teachers, that they are incorporated into the curriculum, and that their success depends on the quality of implementation.


externalizing problems, school-based interventions, systematic review, socio-emotional learning, prevention

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