Bojana Vranić, Ljiljana Skrobić

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The paper will present the results of research that dealt with the perception of inter-sectorial cooperation at the local level in relation to providing support for children with developmental difficulties and/or disabilities (CDD) and their families. The research considers two groups of participants: (1) the parents of CDD in the quantitative part, and (2) representatives from the relevant organizations in the qualitative part. The key findings of the research indicate differences in the perception of the success and importance of inter-sectoral cooperation for the subject meter. While the representatives of the institutions perceive inter-sectoral cooperation as successful, the parents recognize it as unfavourable. Some relevant institutions were perceived by parents as insignificant, or they rated the cooperation with some of them as very low. Even the institutions do not clearly recognize the mutual importance of this cooperation. This may indicate either a lack of cooperation, an overlap of responsibilities, or the insufficient visibility of certain institutions in the community. Normative forms of cooperation, except in one example (cooperation between preschool facilities, the Centre for social work and Center for Developmental Counseling), are almost absent.


multi-sector cooperation, children with developmental difficulties and/or disabilities, decision makers, City of Niš.

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