Гордана Одовић, Владимир Парежанин, Радомир Арсић

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In the past, the foundations for building the environment were the characteristics of an average person. Those who did not fit in the average were practically unable to participate on an equal footing in the life of the community. The concept of universal design involves providing opportunities to satisfy the requirements of all users, among others, of persons with disabilities, young children and elderly persons, to participate in various areas of society. The architecture creates and shapes the environment in which human beings can live. The aim of this research was to examine the awareness of architecture students as future professionals about the existing application of the concept of universal design in the built environment by investigating the influence of prior learning, the cycle of academic studies and being in contact with people with disabilities. The study sample consisted of 129 students of the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade (60 first-year students of undergraduate studies and 69 first-year students of master academic studies). For this purpose, a special questionnaire was designed containing 10 questions about the students’ awareness of the application of universal design in the built environment. The results showed that the cycle of academic studies affected the greater awareness of architecture students, whereas the type of secondary education and acquaintance with people with disabilities did not have a significant impact.


universal design, awareness, architecture, students.

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