Dragica Bogetić, Jelena Mitrović, Sandra Nikolić

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The objective of this research was to examine social and demographic predictors for the attitudes of young people in Serbia toward prostitution, gender equality and feminism, as well as to analyse the relations of these three attitudes between each other, and in relation to basic variable of sexual behaviour (age of first intercourse and number of sexual partners). The sample for this research was 1114 participants (67.6% female with average age of 22.4 years, SD =2.59). Three scales were applied in data collection process such as the scale of attitudes about prostitution, the scale of attitudes about gender equality (Džamonja-Ignjatović, Žegarac, Popović, & Duhaček, 2009) and the scale of attitudes about feminism (Džamonja-Ignjatović еt al., 2009). The results show that boys have more positive attitude about prostitution although the difference in regard to attitudes of girls was far more expressed in smaller than in big cities. Contrary to this, the data relative to the attitudes toward gender equality and feminism point that girls have expressed more positive attitude than boys. Additionally, our results show positive association of attitudes on gender equality and prostitution. The rights and social protection of women in prostitution in Serbia are a marginalised social issue and social reactions of tolerance and indifference are predominant. In this regard further research of attitudes of systematic solutions, possibilities and challenges in prostitution could provide significant contribution to this subject.


prostitution, gender equality, feminism, attitudes of young people, Serbia.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/TEME1803741B


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