Марија Ђорђевић, Марина Матејевић

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This paper addresses the issue of the intensity of the inter-role conflict regarding the parent and business roles and the relation between the conflict and variables: gender, level of education and type of work. The problem of the inter-role conflict is accessed through the famous model of job-family conflict, developed by Greenhaus & Beutell (1985), according to which the impact of work on family and vice versa consists of three subdimensions: time-based conflict, the conflict based on effort, strain and characteristics of persons and conflict based on the behaviour. This research was performed among 204 participants - working parents with at least one child between the age of three and sixteen, from Serbia. The obtained results show that the participants do not express conflict between the parent and business roles, while they reported a positive employment effects. So, it shows that the parents’ employment positively influences the family atmosphere. There were significant differences between the conflict based on strain, that were found between the male and female participants – the results showed a greater number of mothers who have conflict based on strain than the fathers. Also, differences were found regarding the parents’ level of education - the positive employment effect is greater among parents with higher levels of education than the parents with lower levels of education.


conflict based on strain, conflict based on the behaviour, conflict between the parent and business roles, time-based conflict, work-family.

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