Војислав Бачанин

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Even though the process of transition from a centrally planned to a market economy in Serbia started in the early 90's of the last century – domestic transitional discourse becomes increasingly predominant only after the changes that occurred on the 5th of October 2000. Structural changes that were initiated have influenced an increasingly widespread scientific and research debate on globalization and transitional processes, which remains relevant to this date. In contrast to the prevalent affirmative views on globalization processes in the first decade of the 21st century, the second decade was, in terms of these discussions, characterized more by critically-minded debates on the consequences of globalization. Within these debates as a "loyal companion" of the notion of globalization, the notion of sovereignty is often used, especially in that "post-historical" context of the weakening of the state as an institution. Given that these debates continue to be considerably present within domestic social sciences and humanities research platforms, it seems that the multidisciplinary approach to these concepts could shed additional light on their nature and point out to the possible inconsistencies and inadequate use. Therefore, in the focus of the analysis is the problem of the relation between the concepts of sovereignty and globalization, which is observed both with reference to different concepts in the theoretical, constitutional and international legal doctrine, and to the already existing tendencies in domestic sociological, economic and political debates.


globalization, transition economy, sovereignty, state, welfare state

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/TEME171220036B


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