Ivan Đekić

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In the study the author observes and analyzes the current development of competition policy in Serbia and gives recommendations for improvement of this policy. Competition policy is seen in the narrow sense, and is concerned with the field of protection and prevention of distortion of competition, or the field of restrictive agreements, abuse of dominant position and control of concentrations. The aim of the study is to provide guidelines for development of competition policy of Serbia. Progress of competition policy is seen through improvements made in the area of competition law and strengthening institutions that implement laws. The results of the competition policy of Serbia are identified and analyzed through relevant international indicators and data from domestic and foreign reports. The conclusion of the author seen in the study is that the progress done in competition policy in Serbia is unsatisfactory and that this policy is ineffective. The aforementioned imposes the need to improve the domestic competition policy, which is the following: a change of focus and approach of competition policy; redefining the key areas of distortion of competition in the law; strengthening law enforcement institutions; and a better promotion of competition policy.


competition policy, competition law, the Commission for Protection of Competition.

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© University of Niš, Serbia
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Print ISSN: 0353-7919
Online ISSN: 1820-7804