Ивана Стризовић, Јелена Шакотић-Курбалија, Биљана Трифуновић

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The study was conducted in order to determine the relationship between the coping strategies and divorce potential in couples. Based on the Levinger’s Model of cohesiveness and Bodennman’s stress-model, the existence of gender differences in coping with stress was expected, and that the non-adaptive coping skills were to be positive about the potential for divorce, while the adaptive strategies of coping with stress should be linked with a lower potential for divorce. 378 couples have participated in this study. The instruments used were the Brief COPE Scale (Carver, 1997) and a short form of the Martial Instability Index (Booth, Johnson & Edwards, 1983; retrieved from Tadinac et al., 2005). The results showed that the woman in dealing with stressful situations use self-destruction, denial of problems and venting, and also search for emotional and instrumental support. On the other hand, in dealing with stressful situations, males abuse substances. Using logistic regression it was showed that within both males and females there are significant differences between the coping strategies and divorce potential. Looking at the results more precisely, the males who deny the problem, use emotional support, rarely use venting, accept problems and rarely self-blame themselves have greater divorce potential. On the other hand, women who more frequently use emotional support and venting have greater divorce potential. The results are in line with the basic theoretical assumptions of this study.


divorce potential, coping, marriage quality, partnership

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