Драгица Божић, Марија Николић

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The foreign trade of the Serbian economy is characterized by a large deficit and unfavourable structure. The importance of the agrarian sector in total trade is reflected in the constant positive trade balance and increasing participation, particularly in export. The aim of the paper is to analyze the basic characteristics of foreign trade of Serbia, as well as to point out the importance of the agrarian sector in the period 2005-2014. In the first part of the paper are analyzed trends of export, import, and the level of openness of Serbian economy. In the following part the structure of export and import is discussed, and the concentration index presented, or the Herfindahl-Hirschmann index, as well as the diversification index which indicates the difference between the structure of Serbian export and import and the international average. In addition to these indicators, the revealed comparative advantage index was calculated. The analysis of foreign trade of Serbian overall economy indicates a significant presence of agricultural and food products in its structure, particularly in export, and confirms that the agrarian sector is one of few sectors with a constant surplus. Determined indicators show that the comparative advantage in the overall economy trade of Serbia with the world is achieved in primary products and products of lower processing phase, of which a significant part is from the agrarian sector. Therefore, in the final part of the paper the participation of the agrarian sector in the total foreign trade of Serbia is shown.


foreign trade, foreign trade performance indicators, the index of concentration and diversification, agrarian sector, revealed comparative advantage.

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© University of Niš, Serbia
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Print ISSN: 0353-7919
Online ISSN: 1820-7804