Александра Блатешић, Кристијан Екер

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In this article we will deal with the analysis of the language spoken by the Italians in Istria, and since it is not just the standard Italian language, the subject of our research included more Croatian and Istrian dialect (called istro-veneto). We will observe the development of Italian language in the period from the second half of the 20th century to modern times, because it was the time of the biggest change. After the Second World War when the Italians in Istria reported to a complex minority, because they thought that their language had no social role, and bilingualism was viewed in purely negative terms by the 60s of last century, which further affected the manner of use Italian as a mother tongue in non-core countries, in this case in Croatia and Slovenia. In addition to the general sociolinguistic display position of Italians in Istria and Rijeka in this paper we consider the language and the mentality of the people in novels of Nelida Milani, who was able to describe very accurately and thoroughly their social position and psychological state in different roles and sociological contexts. 


Italian, plurilingualism, sociopsycholinguistics, Nelida Milani, Istria

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