Ђуро М. Ђурић, Владимир М. Јовановић, Мирјана М. Мисаиловић

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The objective of this paper is to present the regulation of insolvency of banks and other financial institutions in some West Balkans countries (Serbia, Montenegro and FYROM) candidates for the EU membership and its development under the influence of the EU regulations. This question has become particularly interesting since the onset of the world financial crisis of 2008. Banks and financial institutions from the EU countries are among major players in financial markets. The crisis has shown that the models that have previously existed were not sufficient and did not enable an adequate level of cooperation between member states, in order to minimize the spreading of negative effects of individual insolvencies and problems of individual financial institutions across the EU and all over the world. Therefore, changes were needed in the regulations, and indeed, certain changes have been made. This paper tries to see and evaluate the enlargement of the EU which is currently not on top of the EU political and economic agenda, the candidate countries are in the process of adjusting their legislation and practices in order to be better prepared for negotiating with the EU, but also in order to make their respective economic conditions and markets more harmonized with the EU countries, therefore making them more attractive to potential foreign investors. We shall attempt to give a brief analysis of how several West Balkans EU candidate countries have reacted to the described changes in the EU regulations regarding financial institutions and handling their financial difficulties.


insolvency, banks, financial institutions, candidate countries, EU regulations.

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