Bisera Jevtić, Marija Jovanović

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Encouragement of humanistic education through the lens of prosocial behavior of adolescents is a complex and extensive issue of the modern world. Prosocial behaviour can indirectly affect the achievement of pupils at school through its connection with some academically relevant forms of behaviour which lead to success at school and work. Also, this connection can be explained by the teacher’s preferences of prosocial pupils, which is reflected in the teacher’s expectations and behaviour towards pupils, as well as the evaluation of their work. Besides, prosocial behaviour can also directly affect pupils since the prosocial interaction of peers can have a positive effect on the intellectual exchanges between pupils, which contributes to a more successful learning process. Taking into consideration the significance and role of the school and teachers, as representatives of the educational process, in encouraging prosocial behaviour in the young at secondary schools, we face a problem: Do secondary school teachers encourage prosocial humanistic behaviour of the young, by what actions and activities are they guided in the process and how does that reflect on the behaviour of pupils? This study tried to give some answers related to this problem in the field of education.


humanistic education, prosocial behaviour, moral pedagogy, teachers, achievement.

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